Thankyou.. it was my increasing awareness of Suffolk accents, where Dad came from and my need to know just where in Suffolk people hailed from that set me on a quest to find his relatives.

When I saw the film The Dig, featuring Sutton Hoo and genuine accents of that era, I dissolved into tears. Gruff yet gentle, grounded in the soul. His tweed accent. It's in my heart

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Good morning.

Thankyou for sharing. It's very affirming. My own families journey revolves around loss, rejection too. Having lost my Dad at 4, I see an obituary telling me I was a chief mourner at his funeral, but have no recollection of it and very little of him, but know his loss has underscored my entire life.

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What a special role you played at your father's funeral, and I suspect there are bits and pieces of that day that reside deep in your soul. An image, a particular song, or the words of someone who was also present. When I work with writers who carry stories of not-remembering, I encourage them to use the imagination to write about their lost loved one. It's really quite amazing how much they later discover to be true.

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I am so fascinated by my grandparents' untold stories, particularly from their World War II experiences, fighting on the frontlines of Europe and living through the bombings of the blitz. Sadly they took these stories to their graves and I never got to hear them firsthand, but I know they live on in the psyches and nervous systems of my own generation...

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There's so much we don't know about our ancestors, right? But we carry the remnants of the stories of their lives, and they sometimes manifest themselves in the most surprising ways. As I wrote my memoir, I began to dream about a great grandmother I'd never met and, from the grave, she led me to an astounding story that no one in my family knew. It was quite a lesson in trusting the power of story.

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Oh wow, I love that ❤ I have been consciously connecting much more to my ancestors in recent years too, asking for their support and guidance, and trusting that they are there looking out for me from the other realm 😊

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They are!

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